David E. Ross wrote:

First, make a clean install of SeaMonkey on the new PC.

It is most simple if your profile resides at the equivalent place on
your new PC that they were on the old PC.  For example, I have a profile
named David (my name) at <D:\Mozilla profiles\SeaMonkey\David>.  (Note
that I eliminated the random part of the folder name at the end of the
path.)  On a new PC -- same or different version of Windows -- I would
move this to the same path.

Actually, you can go a bunch faster (and not have to translate the name to your specific Windows user ID) by using the %APPDATA% environment variable. No matter what version of Windows you're using (and Microsoft did a significant re-org of where user data is stored when the transition was made from XP to Vista), %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Seamonkey will always get you to the right spot. Also application data folders are normally hidden, and if you don't un-hide, the correct folder is hard to find in the Windows Explorer. Use of %APPDATA% will always get you around hidden folders.

For the example noted above, referencing D:\Mozilla Profiles\... , that's one where profile data is put in a user-defined location. There's nothing wrong with doing that, and I used to do that myself, although I found that for my needs, it was more effort than benefit, and a few years ago, when I moved to a new computer, I went back to using default locations.

Finally, I would locate the file profiles.ini for SeaMonkey on the new
PC.  In Windows 7, this is something like
<C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\SeaMonkey>, where "xxxx" for me
is David.  Edit that file to point to your new profile.  For me, the
file profiles.ini begins:

I've never seen the need to hack at the PROFILES.INI file, unless you're putting your profiles in a custom location.

If you allow Seamonkey's profiles manager to create a new profile (i.e., by starting it up), yes, it will create profiles with different names -- the first 8 characters of the will be randomized, to ensure uniqueness. Thus, on your old machine, your profile folder will may be named za8nad8u.default and on the new, cu85m1223y.default.

However, if you copy *just* the contents of the folders (and not the folders themselves), there's no reason to touch the contents of the PROFILES.INI file. The absolute paths will be correct.

From this example, the only thing that would not be set is if you're running multiple profiles, and setting which profile is default. However, you can set that through the Profile Manager, by running:

        seamonkey.exe -p

I've moved a number of profiles around this way over the years, and never had to touch the contents of my PROFILES.INI file.

That said, for a one-off move, I prefer to use the MozBackup tool. That one does all the work of finding the correct locations, and it also gives you the option of backing up (or restoring) only portions of your profile.

The only issue I've seen with MozBackup is that the last time I did a profile move, not all my extensions were moved. However, it was easy enough to reinstall 3 or 4 extensions, and once I did, I found that all the preferences for those profiles had, indeed, been copied via MozBackup.

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