Ray_Net wrote on 1/21/2015 3:49 PM:
David E. Ross wrote on 21/01/2015 21:20:
On 1/21/2015 10:56 AM, Ed Mullen wrote:
I compose an email to myself with a URL in it ala:

<http://edmullen.net/temp/Stan Rogers - The Witch of the

When I send and view the email and hover over the link, the status bar
shows the URL with the spaces removed.  If I view the source the spaces
are indeed gone.

Is this new?  Normal?  Able to be defeated?

URIs (which include URLs) should not have blank spaces in them.  Spaces
are too often used to delimit URIs.

Per RFC 3986, if a URI absolutely must contain a blank space, it should
be percent-encoded as %20.  Otherwise, blank spaces are prohibited.
This is indicated in Appendix A of that RFC, which requires you to wade
through Augmented Backus-Naur Form notation.

I tested the url given by Ed Mullen and i got error404 after clicking on
his link.
When i correct the url if the url zone of SM by adding spaces it works.
Then i do a copy/paste of this url containing spaces and ....

SM replaced all my spaces by %20

Question to Ed Mullen:
How did you put your url into your mail ? by hand ? (certainly not by a

I believe I've tested it both ways: copy/paste and typing. Doesn't seem to matter.

This is HIGHLY annoying.

And should NOT be done. What I enter in an email should not be auto-corrected by SM.

Ed Mullen
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