Ed Mullen wrote:
Desiree wrote on 1/27/2015 7:35 PM:
On 1/27/2015 5:47 AM, Jonathan N. Little wrote:
Desiree wrote:

I haven't used Acrobat Reader in years but it's free.  As for Adobe
Acrobat it's not a plugin but a program.

Haven't installed either in years. Used Foxit until recent problem with
plugin caused in-browser display to be blank. Switch to Nitro...light
and works.

Yes, Nitro is good.  Foxit used to be good but not in awhile.  I use
Evince which is the Linux PDF reader used in most versions of Linux.
There is a version ported to Windows.  It doesn't have a bunch of bells
and whistles added but as a PDF reader it works fine even on Windows 8.

I do wish SeaMonkey had Fx and PaleMoon built in PDF reader.

The builtins and Evince don't often support fill-in forms which unfortunately the gov loves to employ.

I'm not having any trouble with Foxit here.  ver

However, I have my system set to NOT display PDFs within a browser,
rather external in Foxit.

I also have Nitro Pro for creating and editing PDFs.  Not something I
need to do often but, when I need to, I need to.

If you use PayPal's Shipit and USPS's Clip'n Ship type services where labels and documents are generated on the fly you need to have the pdf displayed within the browser... Foxit worked fine for many years, it stopped about 6 months ago. Maybe they have since fix it, but I need a solution sooner so switched.

Take care,

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