Desiree wrote:
On 1/26/2015 11:23 PM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Lee wrote:

On 1/27/15, Paul B. Gallagher <>

Lately the Mozilla plugin check has been confused and confusing:
some plugins that are up to date according to their publishers are
listed as out of date, and others are suddenly "unknown." What
gives? Did Mozilla suddenly abandon this and quit managing it?

It's a non-trivial task keeping the list updated but your first
example shows they are keeping it current.


Adobe Shockwave Flash is listed as "potentially
vulnerable" and I'm advised to update, but this is the current

Just checking if you've got the latest version available for
download isn't good enuf :(

It's all a user can do, ain't it? -- At least a user who's unwilling to
let software update itself automatically without asking. But thanks for
the heads-up.


Users who have enabled auto-update for the Flash Player desktop
runtime will be receiving version

Adobe expects to have an update available for manual download during
the week of January 26

OK, let's see when "the week of January 26" begins at Adobe.

Adobe Acrobat 10.X (in my case, has been listed as out of
date for years, but there are no updates available (unless I want to
shell out hundreds of dollars for a version upgrade -- any reason to do

Adobe security bulletins are at <>

OK, thanks.

The famous Java Runtime Environment is suddenly up to date and green
although it's blocked as unsafe. Hunh?

JRE has had a pretty bad security record lately.  The latest version
probably is unsafe.

Yep, I know from about:addons. So why's it "up to date" and green here?
Not the same treatment as for Flash, which is also vulnerable but not

All these are "unknown":

Windows Activation Technologies (v. 7.1.7600.16395)
VLC Web Plugin v. as discussed here at length
Adobe Shockwave for Director v.
Microsoft Office 2010 v.14.0.4730.1010
Windows Live Photo Gallery v. 15.4.3538.513

The last two have been "unknown" for years but the other three are new
additions to the list.

uhmm... seems to me that if they're new additions then clearly mozilla
hasn't abandoned the plugin check.

Really? Shockwave for Director is suddenly "unknown" after all these
years? Did something break between here and Adobe?

Doesn't look to me like they're maintaining it if the Office 2010 and
Windows Live Photo Gallery plugins have been "unknown" for three years.

I updated Flash on Saturday to 296 a few moments after Adobe announced the new
version.  Here's where you should be updating Flash:

For IE 10 and 11 you go here (if Microsoft wakes up and patches):

Thanks for those links. I had something similar bookmarked that I used for years, but they started giving 404s a while back.

I don't know why Adobe prefers updating to be so convoluted.
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