Thee Chicago Wolf (MVP) wrote:
>>> Extensions with binary components such as Lightning, …
>>> only work on certain platforms (e.g. Windows).
>>> Furthermore they need to be adjusted for each new SeaMonkey release,
>>> which also means that an old version of such an add-on can break
>>> SeaMonkey if you disabled compatibility checking (which e.g. happens
>>> when you install the Add-on Compatibility Reporter add-on).
>>> For Lightning, please check the Stable Releases section on the
>>> Calendar Versions page… 
>> So I should use Lightning version 3.8b2
>> (Doesn't the "b" stand for beta?)
> If you're on SM 2.33 then use Lightning 3.9b.


As the Calendar Versions page (URL above) shows: For SM 2.33 use
Lightning 3.8b2.  There is no need to try other versions with SM 2.33.
Investing your time in error checking would give better results than
installing Add-ons which are binary incompatible to your SM version.


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