Glen wrote:
Inojim wrote:
I'm wondering with Sea Monkey email (and this might apply to Thunderbird as 
well) if there is a way to prevent the program from instantly sending an 
outgoing message when you hit the 'Send this message now' button.  Can the 
message be put in the Outbox and sent the next time Sea Monkey automatically 
retrieves incoming mail?  I don't know how many times I've hit Send only to 
realize I forgot a recipient, changed my mind or whatever.  Having a built-in 
delay would be nice.

Thanks for this suggestion -- that's a useful extension that I wasn't aware of!

I immediately began thinking how this concept could work even better. If 
Seamonkey is closed (or the computer crashes or is shut off), messages won't be 
sent by this extension. I need to close Seamonkey before leaving my office 
every day so that it will stop moving emails from my server to my office 
computer, so that interferes with how I might use this extension.

I've found a couple of services that will forward your pre-written emails at a 
set time and date, even when your computer is off. (I've been using 
to send myself 'take out the trash' reminders). But these messages don't look 
like they're coming directly from me, so it doesn't work for business 
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