-------- Original Message --------
I just booted up and the following thing was on my
SM Browser page.  Came up w/o any prompt.

When things appear w/o bidding, i am very
skeptical about it being a scam or Maleware
trying to get on my system if I click on anything.


Is this authentic ?

I would like to get a program or extension or
add-on that will extract (capture) ANY video on
any web site....like on "News" web pages or blogs etc.

Is there such a thing....that is safe to download?


It's a scam. I got it too and malwarebytes does not get rid of it. The way I finally got rid of it was to blacklist the URL using the BlockSite extension.
Here is the URL for it

Since it is not compatible with SeaMonkey you will have to run it through the online SeaMonkey extension converter first: http://addonconverter.fotokraina.com/ When the extension comes across a URL it's blacklisted it displays a quick unobrusive temporary popup.

This should work (it did for me) but there is the separate problem in that the developer of this extension has seen fit to resort to the same trick. So I BlockListed the Blocklist URL!

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