DoctorBill wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
I just booted up and the following thing was on my
SM Browser page.  Came up w/o any prompt.

When things appear w/o bidding, i am very
skeptical about it being a scam or Maleware
trying to get on my system if I click on anything.

Is this authentic ?

I would like to get a program or extension or
add-on that will extract (capture) ANY video on
any web on "News" web pages or blogs

Is there such a thing....that is safe to download?


If I deleted this web page and did not click on
anything in it, then the Maleware was not loaded
onto my system - am I right ?

I have learned to never slick any links on
anything that pops up when SeaMonkey is started.
That goes for ANYTHING - even Adobe, Firefox,
whatever.  Suspicious E-Mails are deleted by right
clicking them and choosing delete item.


I have been getting odd-ball stuff from "The Administrator" or some name like 'Anthonio Porko' (usually Latin sounding) telling me (title line) that my Credit Rating has been hacked or my E-Mail address has been changed....some lame krap like that. Deleted w/o opening.
I wonder who falls for that stuff ?

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