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I have had issues with Thunderbird for months. Since I was getting no support in resolving these issues, I thought I would try Sea Monkey for both my browser and my email. I was happy to be able to continue using Mozilla.

I downloaded Sea Monkey. Set up one email account and guess what? It has the same issues as Thunderbird. There are 145 messages from the same vendor. I am sure this is either a virus or a filter, but I do NOT know how to fix it and Thunderbird support is NOT
helping me.  There are long emails to them to no avail.

So, can this be fixed? Why is Sea Monkey downloading the mess I have with Thunderbird? I specifically said not to include any prior settings. I, obviously need an email client. I would prefer it to be a Mozilla product. But, if you cannot help me I will have to find something else. Can you, at the least, let me know if you can help. This has gone on far too long.

I use Windows 7 as my OS. SeaMonkey version 2.33.1

Marie DeWees

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--- Begin Message ---

I have had issues with Thunderbird for months. Since I was getting no support in resolving these issues, I thought I would try Sea Monkey for both my browser and my email. I was happy to be able to continue using Mozilla.

I downloaded Sea Monkey. Set up one email account and guess what? It has the same issues as Thunderbird. There are 145 messages from the same vendor. I am sure this is either a virus or a filter, but I do NOT know how to fix it and Thunderbird support is NOT
helping me.  There are long emails to them to no avail.

So, can this be fixed? Why is Sea Monkey downloading the mess I have with Thunderbird? I specifically said not to include any prior settings. I, obviously need an email client. I would prefer it to be a Mozilla product. But, if you cannot help me I will have to find something else. Can you, at the least, let me know if you can help. This has gone on far too long.

I use Windows 7 as my OS. SeaMonkey version 2.33.1

Marie DeWees

--- End Message ---
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