Re: IMAP (was Re: NoSquint For SeaMonkey)

Ant wrote:
IMAP can do all POP can do, plus a lot more. So why bother with POP?
Especially a bad one.

To me, IMAP is dang slow compared to POP3. I usually download my
emails to my local desktop. Synchronizing with the IMAP server is
slow. I am spoiled by POP3 and SMTP without their synchronizations. :(

Again, whatever works best for you! Matching ISP email servers & email client software helps! Not all work well together. I changed email servers & email client packages numerous times over the years. Even tried webmail seriously several times. Yuck!

It does not help to compare an overloaded or bad IMAP server to a fast POP server, or a bad IMAP implementation / setup / design to a reasonably well made & setup POP server. Any server may be slow for many reasons, not because it is IMAP or POP. I doubt under a competent test that a true IMAP is any slower than a true POP for email transfer, under duplicate conditions. I suspect they compare equally.

Email client software makes a big difference too! Some email packages are not coded well to handle both POP & IMAP. They are coded well to handle one much better than the other. For example:

I would recommend to never use UofWash Pine/Alpine email client for any POP server, as it is known to be poorly coded for POP; it is an imitation POP code UofWash wrote. But Pine/Alpine screams under true IMAP use. I love that email package - it is fast - no graphics to slow you down loading & reading high volumes of email! Fast with many IMAP folders open to jump around to. Interfaces well with a graphical browser for inline or attachments. It mimes HTML fairly well. Yet connected to a bad (proprietary) IMAP server design like Gmail or Hotmail it crumbles with all kinds of problems, because Pine/Alpine is RFC compliant - not a hack job. Complaints to the Pine/Alpine support forums continue over & over for the same old Gmail & Hotmail problems.

Seamonkey / Mozilla can handle Gmail & Hotmail (POP or IMAP servers) far better than Pine/Alpine, if those servers are so important to the user to keep them.

Sylpheed seems to be a good email client package too, but I cannot claim much experience with it. And for Gmail POP & IMAP servers Sylpheed offers special setup selections. Gee I wonder why? Could GMail be something other than IMAP RFC compliant? Like Proprietary?

I would not blame POP for being a slow design, but it often is slow for me - using Seamonkey or otherwise, for some reason (whether or, & I used numerous other POPs over the years). All email servers I ever used, dozens, periodically were slow. I suspect email servers by the work they are expected to do are inherently slow. They all are often under tremendous work loads. Time of day makes a big difference too!

And worse with POP, if the server connection breaks - I often found no recovery, start over transferring all msgs. If that doesn't slow you down & tick you off nothing will!

I never find POP to be useful for me! Just good for testing out setups, quick mail checking - but not downloading, etc.

The fastest & best overall system I found is Alpine running on, an IMAP system. I don't think Fastmail operates a POP server. They broke away from Opera Browser now, so no more nonsense!

But, Use what works best for you! Am I too much off topic?

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