Ed Mullen wrote:
I've seen several sort of oblique mentions here of the lack of
development of SM.  Also, haven't seen an update in a while.  So, I'm
beginning to feel that I'm nearing the point where I cannot any longer
stick with SM.

Kind of sad since I've been with it since Netscape back in, about, 1995.
  I don't have any aversion to "an end of an era" but it would be nice
to get some definitive info on what the few remaining SM devs are doing
or have in mind.


I've been dedicating most of my time working on getting builds on Win32
running.  I know it isn't much and there are a lot of other stuff I was
hoping to do (particularly Sync).

I do apologize for the lack of updates; but, as it is, we're really
down in the resource department (particularly time and people).

I am, as I've posted, getting trunk and (hopefully) aurora nightlies
done consistently.  Then I'm doing the l10n repacks (nightly).
Once that can be consistently done, I'm going to do the release
when I have the necessary information.

I realize it's not the kind of update you're looking for, but those
are the steps that I need to do in order to get updates to release.

Thank you for everyone's patience.

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