Paul in Houston, TX wrote:
dirk wrote:
Paul Bergsagel schreef:
To enable full screen for youtube videos type about:cofig in the address
bar browser window.

In the widow that appears look for the search box and type "full"

Change these two items from false to true:




Once these two items are changed from false to true you can click on the
full screen icon of youtube HTML 5 videos and enter full screen. There
is no need to force youtube to use flash instead of html 5 video format.

To exit full screen simply use the ESC key on your keyboard.

This does noet result in real full screen, the tabs and address bar
still on top of the

No other solution?

 From the previous thread on this subject, 9-5-15:
 >  Youtube HTML5.
 >  The little full screen box icon thing does not work with HTML5 in FF
 >  however if you right click on the video then click Full Screen it
does open full      > screen.
 >  The box icon thing does work with FF 27.
I tried that, and it doesn't work for me. Yes, it goes to full screen, but the screen is completely black, except for a white "X" in the upper right corner of the screen for getting out of that mode. And the video will not play, unless you get out of that mode.
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