Mark B wrote:
Go into about:config, search for 'spellchecker', and make sure you have
the following set:
I had a similar problem with the spellchecker being locked to a
language I couldn't change. Setting en-US as the default dictionary
seemed to fix most problems.
The problem isn't that it's locked; I can easily change it to the
appropriate language whenever I want. The problem is that it changes on
its own to an inappropriate language. If I were composing a Russian
message and it switched to the Russian dictionary, that would be fine.
But when I'm composing an English message and it switches to the Russian
dictionary, that makes no sense.
That's why I chose the subject line I did.
Oh and BTW, the two config keys you mentioned are already set as you
War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
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