On 18/02/2016 3:52 AM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
David E. Ross wrote:

On 2/17/2016 3:49 AM, Ken wrote:

Here is a site where I encounter the problem:


The Web page loads without any error message.  However, I can tell
something is happening.  The Stop button flashes red (meaning
something should be stoppable) and the throbber continues to bubble.
It seems that the page does not really complete its loading and
display. Selecting the Stop button does not stop what is happening.
I see this both with all my extensions enabled and with SeaMonkey in
Safe Mode.

I don't have any of that, except the first sentence. It loads, period,
in a couple of seconds. No flashing, throbbing, bubbling, nothing.

The only anomaly I note is that the status bar never says "Done," it
says "Transferring data from www.amazon.com..." But even that doesn't
flicker or anything. Let me try with AdBlock Plus disabled...

OK, same result, but this time the status bar says "Read

Just FYI, On my Win7 SM, I cleared my Error Console and then clicked on the amazon.com link above and checked my Error Console and scrolled down through forty entries .... and the scroll bar was less than a quarter of the way down!! So that implies about 200 errors!!


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