I've used PrefBar in SM since V3 at least, and have allowed JavaScript for most options in the browser (not mail/news). More recently, I started using AdBlockPlus, and it seemed to work well, with no ill effects.

For a few months now I noticed problems with sites which apparently used javascript for some functions, like showing videos or processing requests -- but, since I use Win XP SP3, I thought that might be the cause, and considered that migrating to Win7 might solve this. I did try to disable AdBlockPlus (on the offending page, and even on the site, and overall) with no visible effect.

Now, since last week, one local search site I use for planning pay-TV use stopped accepting clicks on links (clicking on the link does nothing, but entering the link URL as an address opens that page). I tried disabling ABP (AdBlockPlus) again, because it (ABP) WAS blocking several ads on that site, and I thought that might cause this, with no result once more; I even completely uninstalled the ABP extension and all leftovers, with no result on this front.

It's possible the site's coding had been changed (they do that a lot), but I then tried to think of this as a possible javascript problem: As I said, JS was (and is) enabled for the browser, with all possible 'script actions', so I looked at my PrefBar -- and noticed I didn't have an option for that! So, I created a 'JS(tab)' checkbox, but that also didn't have any effect.

I went so far as installing a copy of FireFox (also with PrefBar and ABP) and opened that page there -- and the links work fine in FF!

Remembering a warning, many years ago, that uninstalling PrefBar with an option unchecked might 'lock' that option so that, even if PrefBar were reinstalled, it would still be 'frozen', I tried uninstalling PrefBar in SM, afterwards deleting any and all 'leftovers', but that didn't help, either.

I also tried going back to SM 2.35 (because I saw a post in a forum about someone having a similar problem after installing SM 2.39), but that didn't help either, so I'm back on SM 2.39.

I now use the "open with" extension to open problematic pages with FF, and that workaround has been... well... 'working' -- but it's still an 'ugly' solution, and I still don't know where to look for the cause of this problem (which is not restricted to this site, but seems mostly local, although a few functions on Amazon seem to affected too).

Could it be some 'leftover' in one of the many SM Profile configuration files (perhaps even "preferences.js")? Maybe some cookies or 'super-cookies' are responsible, and the problem will go away when they expire (this because, even after I totally uninstalled ABP, and rebooted several times, all the ads on the 'problem page' still do not display)? Could this be due to the OS I'm using? Or what?!?

I decided to post this here, to see if anyone would find this conundrum interesting, and might have ideas and suggestions about the causes (and, of course, any solutions).
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