EE wrote, on 23 Feb 16 15:16:

Are you blocking referers?  If a site will not respond to clicks on
links, that could be the problem.  If you are using RefControl, you can
make exceptions to blocking for particular sites.

I don't know what you mean: 'Link Behavior' in SM Preferences doesn't say anything about blocking 'referrers', and as far as I know I'm not using "RefControl" (is that an add-on/extension?).

Another workaround would be to right-click the link, choose "Copy Link
Location", and paste that into the address bar.

hat doesn't work because the browser doesn't see it as a 'link', so the "Copy Link Location" option (or any other "link"-linked (!) one) doesn't appear, even though the pointer changes to the 'link selection' "hand"....

I've just tried opening the 'offending' page in FireFox and, even though it also doesn't see the 'clickable field' as a "link', clicking does take me to the intended page, as had been happening in SM up to a few days ago -- so, SOMETHING has changed, but I have no idea what!

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