El 10/03/16 a las 15:24, Jonathan N. Little escribió:
> tokyoprogresss...@mailbox.org wrote:
>> I thought I sent this yesterday but it seems not to have gone
>> through. I tried to enter my gmail data but got a message gmail
>> telling me they blocked the attempt to retrieve
>> email from this application because it was not an up-to-date one. I
>> have the most recent Mac copy of SM, so I want to confirm if, in
>> fact, gmail does not play ball with Sea Monkey, if there may be
>> another reason for that message, or what.
> When setup SeaMonkey or Thunderbird to gmail you have to go to the
> webmail interface at gmail.com and in the settings change *enable
> "less secure applications"*. I think it is not about email client
> security but more that Google is pushing folks to use *their* Chrome
> and webmail interface.

Similar, but not exactly that reason. Google is promoting its own
protocol for authentications, on the basis that the current scheme of
login + password is flawed. It may or may not be true (I read it some
time ago, and I don't really like it too much). The protocol is not
closed (Google is, AFAIK, not asking for money for sites or services
wanting to use it), so it is more like Google wants to be recognized
for being the author of a critical shift in how services authenticate.

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