Ray_Net wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote on 05/04/2016 21:21:
OG wrote:

While in SeaMonkey for newsgroups (mail) I click on a posted link and
SeaMonkey opens its web browser.
Unfortunately SeaMonkey cannot handle the web page.

So how do I tell SeaMonkey Mail to open say FireFox as the defaut?

If it's just an occasional problem with a poorly coded page, simply
copy the URL from the location bar, launch Firefox, and paste it into
the location bar there.

If you want to make Firefox your default browser, sorry, I don't know
how to do that. AFAIK SM will always launch its own browser if SM is
open, even if the operating system knows to launch a different browser
when you open a URL.

"SM will always launch its own browser if SM is open" GRRR..... SM MUST
send the page TO the DEFAULT browser .... otherwise .. why is the use of
"default browser" if nobody respect this rule ?

SeaMonkey will handle whatever it can itself without calling on anything else. I actually thought that was a great idea when I was just trying it out before making it my default. The reason for having a default browser is so that a mail/newsgroup reader can call on the operating system to provide something to handle links in messages without having to specify what browser.

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