On 4/12/2016 2:35 PM, »Q«'s fingers rattled off:
In <news:3p6dns6snagmppdknz2dnuu7-ygdn...@mozilla.org>,
EE <nu...@bees.wax> wrote:

Making about:config inaccessible would definitely dumb it down.

It definitely would not.  It would raise the bar for changing a lot of
prefs;  users would have to learn to use a text editor and maybe learn a
bit of syntax in order to shoot themselves in the foot.

Is it about users "shooting themselves in the foot" or about giving users accessiblity to control over their software?

I'm for accessibility. And for letting users shoot themselves in the foot. I do it all the time. I accept the risk, embrace it, enjoy it, and blame no one for the bullet holes in my feet. It's how I've learned over many decades and amassed a rather goodly pool of knowledge that many take advantage of now.

Shield me too much and you deny me knowledge. And my ability to help others.

It's not a toaster, it's a freaking computer. It's not an appliance, it does require more knowledge to use than just pushing a button.

Those of us who know more help those who don't have the knowledge. Deny us that and more are hurt.

Ed Mullen
An oyster is a fish built like a nut.
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