On 4/18/2016 7:37 AM, Daniel's fingers rattled off:
Normally, when I file a Bookmark, I want to put it in a particular
Group/Sub-Folder, but, with this Windows version of SM 2.40, I'm having
troubles getting to particular Sub-Folders, e.g. somebody recently
posted a link to http://info.cern.ch/ with a claim that it was the first
*ever* website, so I thought I'd save the link in my "General"
Sub-Folder of my Bookmarks.

Previously, a sub-screen would open showing my Bookmarks file structure
and I would just select the Sub-Folder that I wanted the new Bookmark
saved to, then click "O.K." and ... job done.

Now, I think, when I click on Bookmarks->File Bookmark, I am taken to a
"New Bookmark" screen, which allows me to add bits and pieces about the
new bookmark, but doesn't allow me to select the particular sub-folder
that I want the Bookmark saved to .... unless it happens to be one of
the half dozen or so listed on the "Folder:" drop-down of the
sub-screen. Where this list comes from, I don't know ... unless it is a
listing of the sub-folders to which I may have previously filed
bookmarks directly to.

Have I started doing something wrong?? How do I get back to the old
situation where I could file a bookmark to any of the forty or more
sub-folders in my Bookmarks Folder??

(Lately, any bookmarks I save are just being added to the bottom of the
Bookmarks drop-down! :-(  )

In the New Bookmark dialog it has a line Folder: with a button saying Bookmarks Menu. Click the down arrow to the right. Click on "Choose." Choose your folder and click "Save."

Ed Mullen
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