WaltS48 wrote:
On 05/06/2016 01:54 AM, Daniel wrote:
On 5/05/2016 11:16 PM, dlemir...@gmail.com wrote:
I'm happy to see it fixed.  I'm among the naggers, and had some fun
with my complaint:

You don't have a relevant issue so I just picked one.

Your obsolete browser message is crappy and infuriating. I'm running
*Google Chrome* on a *Chromebook*, which is about as modern as you
can get, and the browser update page you link to tells me that *I*
need to update my browser. What nonsense. Meanwhile, users of
Seamonkey, which is a perfectly modern browser, based on the same
rendering engine as Firefox, get a study and annoying message that
their browser isn't supported, which far too many users read as "you
stupid obsolescent geezer, why don't you get with the 21st Century?".

Great public relations there on Weather.com's part.

Seamonkey works fine with Google Apps, which is a very modern heavily
scripted, fully interactive site, so what's so &$^&*(&)%^ special
about your "new" Weather.com that you have to make an issue of the
browser. Maybe *you* need to join the 21st Century and realize that
the browser wars are supposed to be over. And learn to process User
Agent strings properly so you can recognize a modern browser when you
see one.

I'm just glad it's fixed.  I think NetFlix is my next target.

Rather than telling them to sniff for SeaMonkey, why not have them
sniff for the "gecko" process .... that way they'll fix their website
for several browsers!!

You could do worse than send them to http://geckoisgecko.org/ ....
might be old, but the relevant information probably still applies!

In every browser I have installed, the UA String starts out with
Mozilla/5.0. For browser sniffing it seems that would be good enough.

The proper way is to feature sniff, which is what they might have been
doing, and SeaMonkey didn't cut the mustard on being up to date on
enabled features. ????

Except for IE and Edge, I have Brave 0.9.0, Chromium 49.0.2623.108,
Firefox(release, beta, nightly), Opera 37.0.2178.32, SeaMonkey 2.46a1
(nightly), and Vivaldi 1.1.453.52 installed on my system.

SeaMonkey 2.46a1 did not get the nag at weather.com. My test of 2.40
did. Is it because SeaMonkey 2.46a1 based on Gecko 49 was feature
enabled for what weather.com was offering. ????

Happy camper that SM 2.40 users are now in the happy camper camp.

weather.com wasn't happy with Firefox 43 either at the time. I think it was ignoring SeaMonkey and just looking at the "Firefox/" part of the user agent string.

IIRC, when IE 11 came out, there were problems where it was detected as Firefox 11 (old version) because it has "like Gecko" in the UA string.
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