On 08/07/2016 12:36 PM, Jonathan N. Little wrote:
WaltS48 wrote:

The answer to that question may be
/var/lib/app-info/icons/ubuntu-xenial-main/64x64, but I got a lot of
hits when I opened File Manager and did a search for the term icons.

Now how would I copy my SeaMonkey icon to
/var/lib/app-info/icons/ubuntu-xenial-main/64x64? I'm going to have to
refresh my sudo terminal foo. sudo cp blah, blah, > blah, blah, I think.

Not where is it on my system. Just two locations, one under my profil

sudo find / -name seamonkey.png
find: ‘/run/user/1000/gvfs’: Permission denied

and my launcher shortcut lists the icon simply:

grep -i icon /home/jonathan/.local/share/applications/seamonkey.desktop

And I get the SeaMonkey icon in the ALT+TAB screen. Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS

Did you install SeaMonkey from a repo, or like myself and John E (the OP) from a Mozilla tarball?

I'm sure if John E added the Ubuntuzilla repo his problem would be solved. I install the Nightly builds and as far I am concerned, don't really care. Just trying to solve his problem.

The only application my ./local/share/applications shows is wine. I think I'll go drink a glass or two or more, since nobody can grasp the original posters problem, or my attempt at solving his problem.

Where does alt+tab get the icons that appear there from? I see a Firefox icon and Thunderbird icon if I have the Nightly and Daily versions open, not the Nightly and Daily icons. SeaMonkey gives me <http://imgur.com/hDIZzUY>

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