Jonathan N. Little wrote:

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Pat Connors wrote:

I just bought a new computer and wonder if I can, in any way, move
the folders I have in this old computer to the new, plus can I bring
all my Preferences to the new computer also?  Thanks in advance for
any help I get.

The answers will depend critically on the operating system(s) and
versions -- same or different? Mac or PC? Etc.

That is not really true IF we are talking about a SeaMonkey folder and
settings specifically.

I have not done a Mac but no problem moving/coping SeaMonkey profile
from computer to computer. Just have to put the profile in the right
location. Moved from Windows to Linux all the time. Moving to a Mac
should not be an issue.

Well, that's the point -- "the right location," which will vary from OS to OS, at least in the Windows world.

And of course if the user has different sets of helper apps on the two computers, he could make trouble by dropping a profile that references a nonexistent app onto the target computer. "You want me to open this PDF with what??? I have no such program..." But that's fixable after the transfer.

At any rate, as Paul in Houston has pointed out more bluntly, "old computer" and "new computer" is not enough info to answer the question.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
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