Ed Mullen wrote:
On 8/21/2016 at 1:28 PM, Pat Connors's prodigious digits fired off:
Okay, I will be clearer.  I am moving from Window 10, not a mac, to
Window 10 in new computer, also not a mac.  From a Dell Windows 7
updated with Windows 10 to a Dell Windows 10.  Both are desktops.  What
I want to move is my email set up (folders) and my Preferences (under
Edit). Plus, would like to have the same settings on the browser side,
like links and tabs.  Tabs will be easy to set up but can I move the
links folder from one computer to another?

It has been 7 yrs since I got a new computer so do not remember how I
set up my email program.  I have a number of email folders where I keep
various emails in different categories and would love to be able to have
the same setup in the new computer.

Thanks in advance for your help, sorry I didn't give enough info in my
first email

Chris Ilias gave you the answer:


Good answer, very helpful.

I would add one tweak to the section on mailbox folders:

In addition to ordinary folders, you may also have folders that contain subfolders. In that case, the mail directory on disk will contain things like this:
        Sent.sbd [folder]
                2011 [mailbox file, no extension]
                2012 [mailbox file, no extension]

So in addition to the filenames with no extension, you will also want to copy the folders with the .sbd extension.

For me, the simple answer is just to copy the entire \Mail folder and not try to micromanage the process (you can if you have special needs, but most people don't). If a few .msf files do or don't get copied, no big deal either way. This way, you get all your accounts in one swell foop.

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