DoctorBill wrote:
I used to know this, but do not remember anymore. I can't get the
filter to work. Using SM 2.33.1.

Suddenly getting "Pandora Outlet" adverts and unsubscribing must not
be in the Chinese Lexicon !


As noted separately, it's not a good idea to unsubscribe from something that you didn't subscribe to. The spammer likely harvested your address somehow, and once they have it, there's no way of getting them to discard it.

For this kind of spam, it's difficult to build filters to discard -- spammers routinely vary both From: and Subject: lines to try to foil filters, and unless you have a spammer that's uncommonly stupid, you'll spend far more time trying to construct and maintain rules than you will in actually discarding the stuff.

Your better bet is using the spam filters provided in Seamonkey. Those are what are called "Bayesian" filters -- if you mark something as Junk, then every message that is similar (and that's not just From: or Subject: but the full collection of headers, body, and attachments) will also be considered to be Junk. To be really effective, a Bayesian filter needs to be given at least 100 samples of both spam and ham, and the Bayesian filters done by Mozilla don't really allow for an "unknown" condition. However, after you see three or four of these, and mark as Junk, subsequent messages are likely to be automatically marked as Junk.

There's more than one way of designating a message as Junk or Not Junk, when viewing the folder list pane:

- Use lower case "j" to mark as junk, capital "J" to mark as not junk
- Right click on the message, go to "Mark", then select either "junk" or "not junk" - If your folder summary is set to show message junk status, click on that column -- a junk message will show a flame icon.

I believe that the default handling for junk mail is that if the filter finds something that is evaluated as junk, or that you specifically mark something as junk, then the message is immediately moved to the account's Junk folder. That's how I have mine set, but there's a number personal preferences that you can get to, by going to the account settings, and checking options in Junk Settings.

When you're playing with this, you need to pay attention to your Junk folder (to make sure that you're not getting legitimate messages thrown in). If you get a legit message that turns up in the Junk folder, then you need to make sure you mark that as Not Junk. Doing so will move the message back to your inbox, as well as train the filter better differentiate between junk and non-junk.

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