DoctorBill wrote:
I used to know this, but do not remember anymore.
I can't get the filter to work.
Using SM 2.33.1.

Suddenly getting "Pandora Outlet" adverts and unsubscribing must not be in the Chinese Lexicon !


funny, I was just on the line with our ISP (freaking about a flood of new spam from (AT) doesn't seem to matter how many times I mark their whole domain as spam, I seem to be getting exponentially more...

as other have said, never unsubscribe from something you never subscribed to in the first place. Also don't allow images to open automatically in your e'mail.

This is a fresh install of Seamonkey on my elderly laptop, so I'll be doing the spam filtering from zero once again.

oh, BTW,'s home internet support is useless...

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