On 1/21/2017 2:04 AM, Ant wrote:
> On 1/20/2017 10:00 PM, David E. Ross wrote:
>> On 1/20/2017 7:40 PM, Cruz, Jaime wrote:
>>> I'm getting tired of all of these sites that refuse to display their
>>> contents until I disable my Ad Blocker(s).  Does anyone know of a
>>> "Stealth" Ad Blocker that blocks ads, but can't be detected by the
>>> websites?  Something that signals to the server that the ad was
>>> displayed but in reality was thrown into a bit bucket?  Surely SOMEONE
>>> has come up with something like that by now?
>> I have the PrefBar extension, to which I added a checkbox to the PrefBar
>> tool bar that enables or disables AdBlock Plus.  When I find a Web page
>> that will not load with AdBlock Plus enabled, I do the following:
>> 1.  Back out of the site.
>> 2.  Disable AdBlock Plus.
>> 3.  Select the link to the site.
>> 4.  Immediately thereafter, re-enable AdBlock Plus.
>> The Web server detects that AdBlock Plus is not enabled and thus allows
>> the Web page to download and display.  The server cannot then detect
>> that AdBlock Plus is enabled and blocking ads.
> In #3, you still get ads in the web page. :(

No.  Very often, ads depend on scripts in the Web page running, which
does not happen as quickly as I re-enable AdBlock Plus in step #4.

David E. Ross

When the President of the United States makes a statement of
national importance, I want to see his face as he is talking.
At the least, I want to hear his voice.

Donald:  Stop tweeting.  Otherwise, how do we know the message
really comes from you?
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