Richard Alan wrote:
sean wrote:

On 01/19/2017 10:41 AM, sean wrote:
On 01/18/2017 03:16 PM, Richard Alan wrote:
Are you using "contains"?

Yes, I'm using contains... its not that I dunno how to filter it out of
my inbox, but I like defeating the source. I've had zero spam for a
number of years... absolutely zero incoming.

You'll never be able to defeat a true spammer.

Perhaps I'm tilting at windmills, Don Quixote was the first book I
recollect my father handing me to read in 2nd grade.

Taking this on as a distraction & challenge as I divert my attention
away from my oh so political mother wanting to be friends on

IP:   ...

Is that actually the sending address of your spam?

I'm guessing now though, there's probably no good reason to report it
back to any of the addresses listed on the whois page for the
onmicrosoft domain, likely to only get my own self blacklisted


Rather ironic that the originating server is from a "brand protection
company" ... ... Is this what Microsoft's Azure morphed into?

I've no idea what you're getting into there.

I'm e'mailing all the addresses on that page with a polite  request to
double check their servers... ;~)

I see your smiley. I also doubt if you will ever be successful in your
quest. Just figure out a way to filter it or ignore it.

Happy to report, its been more than a week since I received any junk mail from the previously offending domains attached to markmonitor (dot)com. While they denied any cuplability, they must have forwarded it to the IT department. Since that page is NOT a person but a company which "monitors" the brand reputations of many "marks"

who still misses Tagzilla...
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