Paul B. Gallagher wrote on 24-04-17 04:30:
NoOp wrote:

On 4/22/2017 1:05 AM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Dirk Munk wrote:

I wanted to use Google Earth yesterday, and I was surprised with
the announcement that there was a new Google Earth for use in a
browser. The announcement contained a link to , but when I opened it with
SeaMonkey I got this message "Aw snap! The new Google Earth isn't
supported by your browser yet.", and a message to try it in

Why doesn't the new Google Earth run in SeaMonkey / Firefox

Arrogance? Stupidity? Your guess is as good as mine.


- Perhaps because it's _their_ web application & they offer it for
free using _their_ interface (Chrome browser)?

I don't need to read anything beyond "web application" to think it should run on all browsers. End of story.

If they want to distribute it as software to run locally, then fine, they can do as they please. But web pages should be W3C compliant.

"web pages should be W3C compliant" = This is only a wishful thinking

Most webmaster don't care about W3C - and some of them did not know the existence of W3C.

Your battle is lost in advance. (same battle for accepting SeaMonkey when sniffing :-) )

BUT reading this page :


We can read:

Major downside, apart from the features that it does not support, is that it is Chrome exclusive currently. This, like many other things, will probably change in the future.

So, just wait for the future ...
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