On 8/1/2017 5:02 AM, David E. Ross wrote:
On 8/1/2017 5:31 AM, Desiree wrote:
I've mostly been using a newer profile since January 2017 and was using
it when I shut SeaMonkey down and then installed 2.48 and restarted
SeaMonkey.  It was fine on this profile except it could not do a speed
test at dslreports (or anywhere) and get the usual speed.  It would get
an extremely low download speed (other browsers got normal speed).  I
had to reboot the computer for SeaMonkey 2.48 to be able to do a speed
test correctly which seemed odd.

I 've had the new version for a few hours and just now tried to start
the default profile (after reading at Mozillazine forums that someone
lost their history on their very old default profile but their newer
profile on 2.48 was fine).  My history is fine on the newer profile
(only goes back to January 2017 while history on the default profile
goes back as many years as SeaMonkey can keep) but when I tried to start
the default profile by switching profiles within SeaMonkey, it would not
open.  I get a SeaMonkey icon in the task bar but it will not start.  It
is a VERY OLD profile (MANY YEARS) and, yes, I backed it up before
installing 2.48.

How do I get SeaMonkey to start in the newer, working profile?  I
suspect the older, default one is not salvageable (as the poster at
Mozillazine thinks about his).  This should not have happened though and
I blame it on the fact that I could NOT update internally. I have not,
on any gecko browser, had good results with being forced to install a
new version rather than update internally.

Windows 7
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101

I just now ran the DSLReports speed test without any problem.  I am
using the same profile that I used with prior SeaMonkey versions; some
of the files in my profile are over 10 years old.

To start SeaMonkey in a specific profile:

1.  Create a shortcut to the SeaMonkey executable (seamonkey.exe).

2.  Open the properties of the shortcut.

3.  In the Target area of the Properties window, add
        -p xxx
where "xxx" is the profile's name (not the name of the profile folder,
but the name you gave the profile).  For my primary profile named David,
it looks like
        "C:\Program Files\SeaMonkey\seamonkey.exe" -p David

Thanks! I vaguely remember now doing that a long time ago. I have Windows 8.0 Pro and Start8 but even it doesn't make the Windows Start Menu enjoyable so I avoid using it and when I wrote the above, I had not thought about looking at SeaMonkey there (I access SeaMonkey via Quick Start menu). So, today I clicked on SeaMonkey in the Start 8 Start Menu and saw Profile Manager, opened it and switched to the newer profile which started just fine.
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