On 9/16/2017 9:37 AM, Lemuel Johnson wrote:
On 9/14/2017 8:19 PM, Desiree wrote:
On 9/14/2017 4:22 AM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Desiree wrote:

Sigh.  I can't login to Chase Online using  SeaMonkey 2.48.  So, I
used User Agent Switcher and faked Fx 47 (Win 10) as the user agent.
That got me further but only to the screen where Chase says it
doesn't recognize the user's computer and you have to request a
temporary ID code. I did that but Chase just flipped me to the main
Chase page asking for login again.

Does anything work currently with Chase Online login and SeaMonkey?
Is there a better user agent than the one I tried?

When a site login says it "doesn't recognize" your computer, that
generally means it's looking for the cookie it left at your last session
and can't find it. I get the same stupid $#!+ from Google because I
clear cookies frequently (and always at the end of a browser session),
so they make me jump through all kinds of hoops to read my damn Gmail.
And the failed login requiring you to start over is a strong clue that
cookies are not being accepted.

So check your cookie handling options (in the browser: Tools | Cookie
Manager...). If it says "Block Cookies from This Website," that's the
problem. If it says "Use Default Cookie Permissions," check what your
defaults are at Edit | Preferences | Privacy & Security | Cookies.

I was using Session cookies only and default for all sites is to block
all cookies but I was getting cookies from Chase Online website because
I had changed the permissions for it to accept Session Cookies.

Chase was flipping me over to Chase.com though instead of logging me in
on Chase Online.  I did have Chase.com set to block cookies because I
never go there as I login directly to the credit card via Chase Online
(unless there is a problem like now).
So, I changed permissions for Chase.com to accept Session cookies and
now I am getting a message from Chase that says the browser is outdated.
 That is the message I get with Pale Moon but I think on Pale Moon it
may be because "general.useragent.override.chase.com" shows the string
as Fx 31!  But on SeaMonkey there is no user agent override for chase in
about:config so I don't know why I am now getting that the browser is

I deleted all cookies for Chase, restarted SeaMonkey and tried again
with this string "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; rv:40.0)
Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0" using User Agent Switcher.  I got further
into login and got to the screen where one is asked for a user ID code
sent to your email, phone, etc.  So, I got the code, put it in and
instead of getting logged in, I got flipped to Chase main web page with
a login box in the upper right corner.  At least I didn't get the
message that SeaMonkey is an outdated browser since Chase thinks I am
using Fx 40.

I'm sick of it.

I use UA Switcher to set:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101

and Chase works fine for me.

Lem Johnson

That one is not in the latest list which is ver. 2.6.4 so did you get that from an older list? There's Fx 52 and Fx 57 (x64).
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