Lee wrote:
On 12/29/17, Richard Owlett <rowl...@cloud85.net> wrote:
If someone could remind me of the command and syntax for displaying a
file directory structure/contents as ASCII line art I could display
display the organization of my home directory. I could then mangle the
display an analog of the disorganization of my bookmarks.
windows: tree /a
----- send the output to a file:
mkdir c:\temp
tree /a  1>c:\temp\tree.txt  & notepad c:\temp\tree.txt

linux: http://centerkey.com/tree/
The OP's problem is organizing the contents of his bookmarks file, which is an sqlite file unamenable to manual editing.

True, tree /f from the command line would show this file sitting in the SM default profile folder, but that doesn't solve his problem.
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