On 12/31/17, Richard Owlett <rowl...@cloud85.net> wrote:
> On 12/30/2017 07:47 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
>> On 12/29/2017 10:27 PM, null wrote:
>>> The OP's problem is organizing the contents of his bookmarks file,
>>> which is an sqlite file unamenable to manual editing.
>> I had in mind an end run around that problem.
>> SeaMonkey has two modes of dealing with sets of bookmarks:
>>   1. Save/Restore which uses JSON
>>   2. Export/Import HTML
>>      The "Export" function resembles a lossy conversion of the JSON.
>>      It does not _appear_ to preserve nesting information. I'll have
>>      to run more tests to confirm. My initial test flopped as I've not
>>      read the relevant Help contents.
>> I had in mind:
>>   1. Save the bookmarks.
>>   2. Pretty print the JSON to a file.
>>   3. Edit the "pretty file" - awkward but doable.
>>   4. "Uglify" {if required} to have syntactically correct JSON.
>>   5. Replace the current set of bookmarks using "Restore" function.
> Other people have worked on related tools.
> Searching planet.mozilla.org and mozillazine.org has been productive.
> In fact the second article on planet.mozilla.org {Templating JSON/YAML
> with json-e} suggests some aspects of json-e would be applicable to my
> problem.
> I am also searching Debian repositories. Packages related to "aeson"
> appear promising.

have you come across 'jq' yet?   eg: to prettyprint json:
$ jq . bookmarks-2017-12-31.json |more
  "guid": "root________",
  "title": "",
  "index": 0,
  "dateAdded": 1496405759960000,
  "lastModified": 1514747427222000,
  "id": 1,
  "type": "text/x-moz-place-container",
  "root": "placesRoot",
  "children": [
      "guid": "menu________",
      "title": "Bookmarks Menu",
  <.. snip ..>

which looks like a pain to manually edit.

What was your initial test with export as html?  I've done export as
html, edit the file, delete all bookmarks, import the edited html &
not noticed any problems.  What did you see?

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