Daniel wrote:
I dual boot this HP 6730b Laptop with both Windows 7 and Mageia Linux, as shown i8n my sig file, and share the one SeaMonkey 2.49.1 profile which is situated on one of my Win7 partitions. Recently I have added Lightning (getting old ... memory failing ;-( or is my life getting busier?? ;-)  ) to both OS's SeaMonkey profiles.

I originally installed it to Win7 SM and it appeared in the Mail & News Screen and I added several dates. It didn't display or remind me of any dates that I had entered (but I'll try to sort that by posting to the m.s.calendar newsgroup).

What I want to know here is ... it seems, each time I switch between Win7 and MGALinux, I'm losing the Lightning display in SM's M & N screen. Is this because I'm setting up SM/Lightning to function in one OS and then when I change OS's, it forgets (for some reason) that it had had Lightning installed, requiring a re-installation again and again and again??

Is there someone out there who uses Lightning on several different OS's that might be able to sort me out??

I'm not sure if it's still the case, but at one time parts of the Lightning were binary components, compiled for a specific OS. You'd need to install the Windows build of Lightning in the SeaMonkey profile used on Windows, and the Linux build of Lightning in the SeaMonkey profile used on Linux. The same build wouldn't work on both. There are certainly still different downloads of Lightning for Windows and Linux. Even if there are no longer binary components, there may be other things which prevent the same build from working in both OSs.

While sharing a single profile between Windows and Linux installs might seem to work most of the time, as far as I'm aware that's not actually supported and can (as you've discovered) cause some issues. Another potential source of problems is that various filesystem paths stored in the profile are different on the two OSs, although from posts here it seems that doesn't generally cause noticeable problems in practice.

In short, I think the problem is with neither the OS nor SeaMonkey, but with your configuration (attempting to share a single profile between the two OSs).


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