On 01/08/2018 01:01 AM, Daniel wrote:
> I dual boot this HP 6730b Laptop with both Windows 7 and Mageia Linux, 
> as shown i8n my sig file, and share the one SeaMonkey 2.49.1 profile 
> which is situated on one of my Win7 partitions. Recently I have added 
> Lightning (getting old ... memory failing ;-( or is my life getting 
> busier?? ;-)  ) to both OS's SeaMonkey profiles.
> I originally installed it to Win7 SM and it appeared in the Mail & News 
> Screen and I added several dates. It didn't display or remind me of any 
> dates that I had entered (but I'll try to sort that by posting to the 
> m.s.calendar newsgroup).
> What I want to know here is ... it seems, each time I switch between 
> Win7 and MGALinux, I'm losing the Lightning display in SM's M & N 
> screen. Is this because I'm setting up SM/Lightning to function in one 
> OS and then when I change OS's, it forgets (for some reason) that it had 
> had Lightning installed, requiring a re-installation again and again and 
> again??
> Is there someone out there who uses Lightning on several different OS's 
> that might be able to sort me out??

Set up SeaMonkey w/lighting for each OS. The install.rdf's are different
for Win and linux:

    <em:version>5.4</em:version> <!-- BuildID=20170321161200 -->
    <em:description>Integrated Calendaring &amp; Scheduling for your
Email client</em:description>
    <em:creator>Mozilla Calendar Project</em:creator>



    <em:version>5.4</em:version> <!-- BuildID=20170321161200 -->
    <em:description>Integrated Calendaring &amp; Scheduling for your
Email client</em:description>
    <em:creator>Mozilla Calendar Project</em:creator>



Point to the same profile (backup beforehand) and see if that solves
your problem.

I do not use the same profile on my Win10/Ubuntu linux dualboot - if I
absolutely need to ensure they are in sync I just use grsync/rsync
between them. That said, I have changed to primarily using Google
Calendar as the medium between both Lightnings (Win10-Lightning / GC /
linux-Lightning) and so far everything stays in sync w/o any real issues.

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