> Frank-Rainer, with SeaMonkey now, more or less, being divorced from Firefox
> (Webext v normal extensions, etc.)

Web ext support is planned for 2.57. One of the things which will held it up. With the ESR60 code base many current extensions just won't work. That includes all popular Ad- and Scriptblockers. So would be pointless to release it in this state.

> as I understand it, if Mozilla breaks the
> mailpane, why should the SM Devs follow Firefox down that hole??
> Isn't is possible to fix faults in the old SM code rather then modifying the
> new FF code and then incorporate those improvements into the (working) revised
> SM code??

Not enough devs left to do this. We barely keep it running. Only an option if you want no security fixes or new web standards support.

For the next ESR cycle based on 67 it is probably game over and we need to think about what to do. Fx 61 already breaks everything including full themes and this won't get better.


Daniel wrote:
Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote on 28/04/18 05:54:
Yes Mozilla broke the mailpane completely with code removals. The code will probably be aligned as much as possible with Thunderbird. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to release it at all with the current lack of develepers. Styling will of course be SeaMonkey:) The bad news is that this is still months away.


Frank-Rainer, with SeaMonkey now, more or less, being divorced from Firefox (Webext v normal extensions, etc.) as I understand it, if Mozilla breaks the mailpane, why should the SM Devs follow Firefox down that hole??

Isn't is possible to fix faults in the old SM code rather then modifying the new FF code and then incorporate those improvements into the (working) revised SM code??

Save having to fix what FF broke!!

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