On 09/04/2018 02:11 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:
On 09/04/2018 01:34 PM, Lee wrote:
On 9/4/18, Richard Owlett <rowl...@cloud85.net> wrote:
I'm creating a custom web page to display my SeaMonkey bookmarks my way.
I have chosen to use nested unordered lists. I have ~3500 bookmarks in
  >500 folders nested several levels deep. I have two problems.

The default indentation is too large causing items to line-wrap.
The presence of bullets serves no purpose and is *UGLY*.


I've been wandering a convoluted path thru the web finding only enough
to tantalize. I keep ending up on poorly designed pages.


Javascript + CSS to hide/display folder contents

Allows you to do something like

+ folder 1
+ folder 2
+ folder 3

where clicking on a plus sign shows whatever is in that folder
(and turns the plus to a minus so you can hide the folder contents again)


It looks like my phrasing led you astray.
When saying "folder" I was referring to what you see when selecting "Bookmarks->Manage Bookmarks".

It might have been cleared if I had said "I have a nested unordered list which I wish to resemble a directory tree."

A <ul><li>...<li>...</ul> sequence is almost right.
I hate bullets. I need smaller indentations. I suspect CSS is the tool.
Thank you.

list-style-type: none;
padding: 0;
margin-left: 5;

Gets me almost there, but I can't distinguish between "padding" and "margin".

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