On 9/5/2018 10:20 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
> On 09/05/2018 10:34 AM, David E. Ross wrote:
>> On 9/5/2018 1:50 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
>>> On 09/05/2018 12:38 AM, David E. Ross wrote:
>>>> On 9/4/2018 10:56 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
>>>>> I'm creating a custom web page to display my SeaMonkey bookmarks my way.
>>>>> I have chosen to use nested unordered lists. I have ~3500 bookmarks in
>>>>>    >500 folders nested several levels deep. I have two problems.
>>>>> The default indentation is too large causing items to line-wrap.
>>>>> The presence of bullets serves no purpose and is *UGLY*.
>>>>> I've been wandering a convoluted path thru the web finding only enough
>>>>> to tantalize. I keep ending up on poorly designed pages.
>>>>> Suggestions?
>>>> My bookmark hierarchy has four levels of folders.  I have the following
>>>> in the userChrome.css file in the chrome folder of my profile:
>>>>    /*  Indent folders */
>>>>    @-moz-document
>>>>            url("file:///xxx/bookmarks.html")
>>>>            { body { margin-left: 2em !important; font-size: 12pt }
>>>>    h3 + dl { margin-left: 2em !important }  }
>>>> where xxx is the full path to my bookmarks.html file.
>>>> I automatically export my bookmarks from places.sqlite to bookmarks.html
>>>> every time I terminate SeaMonkey, which is often since I frequntly
>>>> switch between profiles (which effectively terminates and then
>>>> relaunches SeaMonkey).  The export is effected by having
>>>>    user_pref("browser.bookmarks.autoExportHTML", true);
>>>>    // automatically export bookmarks into an HTML file
>>>> in my user.js file in my profile.  (The // indicates a comment to remind
>>>> me why I have that entry.  The ; at the end of the user_pref statement
>>>> is mandatory.)
>>> I copied those into the appropriate files.
>>> NOTHING happened :<
>> Did you replace the xxx with the actual path to your bookmarks.html
>> file?  You do have a bookmarks.html file?
> Yes. But I suspect a system problem of some sort.
> I posted in wee hours of morning making no more than a <i got troubles> 
> post.
> The other associated symptom was that edit of user.js had had no effect.
> I manually tweaked the preference using about:config . I still got no 
> HTML file on shutdown.
> Having been in customer service <different industry ;> for decades, I 
> suspected "Murphy". So I just now created an empty file with the 
> appropriate name. Still "no joy in Mudville" ;/
> I've avoided addons/addins/etc since the Netscape 4 days - so that's not 
> the problem.
> I've had no cause to tweak userChrome.css nor user.js for >> 10 years.
> Is there a bug I would not have noticed?
> I've set aside this afternoon to discover some diagnostic test cases. I 
> *DOUBT* that any explicit diagnostics for this case exists. I was thus 
> going to search out articles on how/why to tweak those files.
> Suggestions welcome :}
> P.S. I've been a "corner case" since ~"Hector was a pup"  ;/

Entries and changes to user.js have no effect until you completely
terminate SeaMonkey and then relaunch it unless, of course, you edit
user.js while SeaMonkey is already terminated.  (It is possible that the
same might be true of userChrome.css.)  Then, the automatic export from
places.sqlite to bookmarks.html occurs the next time (and each time
thereafter) you terminate SeaMonkey.

Furthermore, you are using SeaMonkey under Linux.  I am using SeaMonkey
under windows.  There might be differences.

David E. Ross

Too often, Twitter is a source of verbal vomit.  Examples include Donald
Trump, Roseanne Barr, and Elon Musk.
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