Daniel wrote:
Dirk Munk wrote on 4/10/2018 6:27 PM:
Daniel wrote:
Dirk Munk wrote on 30/09/2018 9:17 PM:
meagain wrote:
-------- Original Message --------
EE wrote:
Dirk Munk wrote:
When you want to send a message, you have the option to encrypt the message with "Security", assuming you and the other party have set up Digital Signing.

It would be a nice feature if you could have an option "always send encrypted" with every address book entry.

An alternative would be a general setting "always send encrypted if possible", which means the mail program has to look if a certificate has been stored, and then send encrypted if a certificate has been found.

What about just having a general "Notes" section in there? Then one could add any information of any sort in there. The MacOS contact list has a Notes area and it is very useful.

Thank you, but that is not the point.

For legal reasons, certain email traffic must be encrypted, from end point to end point. For instance emails between me and my doctor. Assuming we have both set up digital signing, any email traffic between us should *always* be encrypted, automatically. I should not have to choose Security > Encrypt This Message to get encryption.

You want this feature setup on a per-recipient basis just like "prefers to receive mail as " <html/plaintext/any>.

Yes, that would be an option.

However, I also have an alternative option.

When you want to send each other encrypted emails, you have to exchange the certificates first. So I have to send the recipient a signed email message, and he has to send me a signed email message as well. As soon as I receive his signed email message, its certificate will be stored on my computer. My certificate will have been stored on his computer.

 From that moment on we can send each other encrypted email messages.

Now suppose I want to send this recipient an email message. Then mail could look in the stored certificates for his certificate. When found, mail could automatically send the message encrypted.

That is an even cleaner way of setting it up. No need to add an entry to the address book, everything is done automatically.

The whole idea of encrypted messaging intregees me!!

Let's say you, Dirk, and I want to talk encrypted. I might give you a Plain language call saying lets go encrypted. You send me your key and I send you mine, and we're off and communicating.

However, if someone else is "watching", be it on my computer, on your computer or somewhere in between, they also have both keys, so can "see" what we're saying.

Or am I mis-understanding the situation?? (That's a definite possibility!!)

This is how it works.

First you obtain an email certificate, for instance from Comodo:


You will get an email with a clickable link. It will load the certificate on your PC.

Remember that you have to obtain a certificate for each email account you want to secure!

You then go to the account of this email address in Edit > Mail & Newsgroup Account Settings

Click on Security, and a small window will open.

Now you can select the certificate with 'Digital Signing' and 'Encryption'.

You can choose the setting 'Digitally sign messages (by default)', but I noticed that there are email programs that can't handle signed messages properly, and will garble attachments.

Now compose a small message to the other party you want to exchange encrypted messages with. Before you send it, choose "Digitally Sign This Message' from the Security tab in your compose window.

The other party has to follow the same steps.

Once you have exchanged these first two signed messages, you can send another message, but choose 'Encrypt This Message'. The message will now be send encrypted, and can not be read anywhere except on the end-points. So if your provider has a web interface for your mail account, these messages will not turn up as readable there.

"... and can not be read anywhere except on the end-points" ... or by anybody who was "listening" when the "Digital Signing" certificates were obtained/exchanged!

Obtained, I don't know. Exchanged not, as far as I know. Normally these keys are a pair, a public key you exchange, and a private key that is stored on your PC.
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