Thanks for the help! I'm on linux and it's been driving me crazy.. I found the newly update 'TotalSpoof' addon fixes it nicely... it's extremely lightweight and as an added plus it convinces the seamonkey addons site that all their plugins are compatible... in other words not greyed out... which will be great for most user... it also of course completely fixes the google search box issues...

Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:

Daniel wrote:
David E. Ross wrote on 19/06/2019 2:41 PM:
On 6/18/2019 8:10 PM, Ronnie wrote:
I've been dealing with this quite a while and wonder if it's just me and
if not whats the fix... the search box in google with seamonkey is
hosed... the cursor places itself in a weird position and only allows
for so many characters to be entered before it starts to be hidden...

Windows 7
SeaMonkey 2.49.4

If I use Google, I always use its Advanced Search at
<>.  I do not see your
problem there.

However, I generally search with DuckDuckGo at
<>.  They do not capture and retain any
information about me and my searches.

I seem to recall, some time ago, someone reporting that, when they used a (Google??) search engine, they were having difficulties seeing the text they entered .... as though, to start, they were entering their text on line 2 of a 1.5 line high text box.

Some letters you could work out by their tops, some letters you could not work out!

I don't recall what the fix was ... as I also use

Google does incorrect user agent sniffing and return html gobblygock to SeaMonkey. You need to set a plain Firefox user agent for this to work.

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