I suffered from the Google search mess with SeaMonkey. Then I came across a solution: I turned off "advertise Firefox compatibility".

To turn off "advertise Firefox compatibility" go to SeaMonkey's preferences click on Advance>HTTP Networking>(uncheck)Advertise Firefox compatibility.

This fix solved the difficulties I was having with Google.

Google returned to its normal appearance. Also With this setting turned off I have yet to find any negative effects on other sites. With this setting turned off, some sites even appear to work.

Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:

Daniel wrote:
David E. Ross wrote on 19/06/2019 2:41 PM:
On 6/18/2019 8:10 PM, Ronnie wrote:
I've been dealing with this quite a while and wonder if it's just me and
if not whats the fix... the search box in google with seamonkey is
hosed... the cursor places itself in a weird position and only allows
for so many characters to be entered before it starts to be hidden...

Windows 7
SeaMonkey 2.49.4

If I use Google, I always use its Advanced Search at
<http://www.google.com/advanced_search?hl=en>.  I do not see your
problem there.

However, I generally search with DuckDuckGo at
<https://duckduckgo.com/>.  They do not capture and retain any
information about me and my searches.

I seem to recall, some time ago, someone reporting that, when they used a (Google??) search engine, they were having difficulties seeing the text they entered .... as though, to start, they were entering their text on line 2 of a 1.5 line high text box.

Some letters you could work out by their tops, some letters you could not work out!

I don't recall what the fix was ... as I also use dickduckgo.com.

Google does incorrect user agent sniffing and return html gobblygock to SeaMonkey. You need to set a plain Firefox user agent for this to work.


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