Bill Spikowski wrote:
Paul Marwick wrote:
I have several accounts in Seamonkey mail. One of them is to a small business that I do some sub contract work for, maintaining a number of mail/file servers for other small businesses in the area. The account it an Imap account which is mainly used for admin messages from the other servers. Its running on Nethserver 7.6.

Last week, the hard drive in the server showed signs of developing problems. I pulled the drive, cloned it and set the whole thing up on a new hard drive. No problems there. But, the mail filters that I use to sort incoming mail are no longer working on incoming mail. I can manually run them, and have them work, but it no longer happens unless I do that - no automatic filtering at all...

I've got the same problem on the same machine with a Thunderbird account I use as well. I've seen this happen in the past when changes have been made to a mail server, but can't remember what I did to fix the problem. Any suggestions would be very useful indeed....

This happens to me when I create new receiving folders on my hard drive (even if the new folder has exactly the same name).

I'd love to hear of an easier fix; when this happens to me, I have to 'reselect' the receiving folder for each filter.

I've seen that before, though I think the last time it happened, it was when I migrated a set of filters from one Seamonkey installation to another. Had to reselect all the folders, even though they exist on the server. Tried that, didn't do anything. I've also tried disabling and re-enabling the filters, still no change. The silly part is that they work, just have to be run manually.

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