On 12/23/2019 9:28 AM, Lee wrote:
> On 8/17/19, Sarty, Gordon <gordon.sa...@usask.ca> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have searched the web and looked through files on my computer but can
>> find no way to add xls and doc file types to the Preferences -> Broswer
>> -> Helper Applications list. They used to be there for SeaMonkey.
> Yes, there used to be a UI to add helper apps but it disappeared in SM 2.0 :(
>> How can I add those file types?
> You have to download that file type.  So. from a cmd prompt, do something like
> C:\Temp\t>echo "<html><body><a href="file.xls">Load XLS
> file</a></body></html>" > load-xls.htm
> copy or create file.xls in the same directory, open load-xls.htm with
> SM and click on the link
> I get a pop-up with the options to 'Open with' and 'Save File', but
> the 'Do this automatically..' is greyed out :(
> ** is this mailing list/ newsgroup archived somewhere?
> I can find my june 2010 "how to automatically save files?" q&a to the
> list in my sent mail but can't find it with a search engine :(
> summary: My 2010 fix, on a windows vista machine, for not being able
> to select 'do this automatically...' for .pptx files was adding this
> bit to the registry
> ============ cut here ==================
> Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
> "Content 
> Type"="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"
> [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content
> Type\application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation]
> "Extension"=".pptx"
> ============ cut here ==================
> It's probably the same now.. you just have to figure out the proper
> "Content Type" for xls and doc files..

As I recall, you can add a new helper application by selecting a link in
a Web page to a .doc or .xls file.  SeaMonkey will then popup a dialogue
requesting whether to save or open the file.  You then select to open
the file.  That results in another dialogue that allows you to navigate
to the desired application's executable.

David E. Ross

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They leak and have severely damaged some expensive
electronics that I own.  Energizer and Eveready
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