I have been having problems with Seamonkey 2.49.5 Windows 7 64 bit disabling or deleting Lightning and other bundles extensions although I don't use them much. I have so far unable to reinstall it.

Does there exist an .xpi version of Lightning (and the other bundled extenstion) I can install or some other method to do so?

The Release Notes say this:

Lightning or one of the distributed extensions is not showing up or is disabled 
under Add-ons.
If the extension is disabled and can not be enabled deinstall it. If it does 
not show up after restart do the following:

    Enter "about:config" in the location bar.
    Enter "extensions.installedDistroAddon" in the search field.
    Reset the key of the extension not showing up using the popup menu with the 
mouse. If in doubt just reset all keys but this might bring back previously 
uninstalled distributed Add-ons.
    Restart SeaMonkey.

However in a number of cases the appropriate key is not present and toggling it makes no difference.

I can create a new profile that will work but transferring existing email, bookmarks filters and junk setting is a real pain and in a number of cases the new profile goes bad as well..
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