Frog wrote:

As you probably noticed in one of my earlier messages, I sent a Test message to see if I was able to send a help message to this group.  That message seemed to make it to this address.  Thus I am now going to state my problem and hope somebody comes to my rescue.

Some time ago I was required to move my server support to AOL from Verizon.  I made all of the changes at that time and all has bee working without a problem until now...I presently cannot send a normal email message from my computer via SeaMonkey (mainly) or from Mozilla, All such attempts ends with a message as follows:

Outgoing server (SMTP) Server Password Required
box - Use Password Manager to remember the password.
OK _____ Cancel_____

I Have not made any changes to any settings in either SeaMonkey or Mozilla since they originally set a long while ago.  I then typed in my password and this is the next message that appeared.

Login to account ........failed
Login to server with username .....failed.

I then clicked cancel and got this message.

SeaMonkey Message - Test
Status: Connected to

The green bar after Progress never closes, so I clicked Cancel.

I called AOL today and (after waiting for over 2 hours on the phone waiting for a human to pick up the phone, and another almost 3 hours today before someone picked up the phone.  I told them about my problem and then I was told that I had a general help desk and that I needed to talk to a technician,  This person then proceeded to tell me that I could not speak to a technician until I purchased a technical support plan ($14.99).  After some wrangling, He said that having this plan was the only way to get technical help...he then offered my the first 30 days free.  I gave in knowing that I needed help and that I could cancel the technical support plan before the end of the 30 day period. Well I wsthen on hold for another 3 hours when I finally got to speak to a technician.  He said that he was going to have to delete all messages in my Inbox, Drafts, and Trash before he could work on the problem. He wanted to know whether I had a data backup plan...and I said no.  the then said that I needed to backup these files before he did any work on my system.  That is where he stopped helping me.  (((Please note, I was on the phone yesterday evening waiting for 3 hours for somebody to help me...I was then cot off and got a recorded message that the office was closed for the day and that I could get help from the AOL help pages,)

A long story for no help.

I can receive downloads on my computer without any problem.  I can click on web addresses and they work.  Another action that did occur during my talk with the AOL technician was one of his showing me that a message could be sent through AOL and that it would work..and it did.  Thus, the only thing not working on my computer is sending email messages via SeaMonkey or Mozilla.

I would appreciate any help you send my way on this subject.

Windows 10 - SeaMonkey 2.531


Well, I now have the answer to all of the items covered in this thread and now must start on a new thread. I am going to bore you for a moment in order to help someone else who might be going through the problems I have been facing. So here goes the end of this thread:

Part 1: I really thought that I was dealing with a virus or malware on my computer; but I didn't want accept this thought, since I have had my present virus scan software (WebRoot) on my system for years; and it has never let me down. As I stated in one of my messages, I did want to weed a virus or malware possibility out of the picture...thus, I did a complete scan of my entire system (6.5 hours of scanning); and no bad things were found on my system. I then sent a message to the WebRoot people, and they had me forward the results of my scan to them for analysis. They informed me, after their scan was completed, that my system did not have a virus or malware was completely clean. They suggested that I contact Verizon (which remains a part of my email address) for help. I thought about it and decided that a conversation with Verizon might take less that a few minutes; however, the wait to talk to somebody might take hours of waiting. I then turned to the internet for help.

Part 2: The second part pertains to what I found on the internet. Here is that information:

Verizon Email Retirement
"Verizon has retired our (their) email service. We have completed our notifications regarding this change; and customers no longer have the option to keep their email address or extract and move their data to another service provider.(((I don't recall ever receiving a notification as stated above.))) Here is the web address where you might want to read more about this Verizon Email Retirement;

I believe that explains why I was receiving an endless number of the "Connection to server timed outs". It also explains why I could neither send nor download items from my Verizon mail box - it no longer existed.

Be advised that I appreciate everybody's help with my problem. At times, it was somewhat more technical that I am educated to understand. That is also helped me to learn considerably more about the technical side of computers. All of you have my highest respect for the way you help other people with their problems.

If you want to ask me about anything I have said along the way of this thread, I will do my best to provide you with a response.


P.S. I will be opening a new thread about the steps I must take to continue what I have been doing here on my computer in an uninterrupted way.

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