WaltS48 wrote:
> On 8/4/20 1:20 PM, David H. Durgee wrote:
>> WaltS48 wrote:
>>> On 8/3/20 5:16 PM, David H. Durgee wrote:
>>>> I have been having problems with what I refer to as constipated email
>>>> since 2.49.4 and it still continues with 2.53.3 at present.  What I am
>>>> referring to is that new email for a POP3 account will no longer be
>>>> downloaded via periodic POP3 checks.  When I notice that I haven't
>>>> received any new email for a long enough period I then click on the
>>>> "Get
>>>> Messages For Account" in the pop-up menu and I then receive the
>>>> following pop-up error:
>>>> The POP3 mail server (pop.verizon.net) does not support UIDL or XTND
>>>> XLST, which are required to implement the ``Leave on Server'',
>>>> ``Maximum
>>>> Message Size'' or ``Fetch Headers Only'' options. To download your
>>>> mail,
>>>> turn off these options in the Server Settings for your mail server in
>>>> the Account Settings window.
>>>> The only way I have found to correct this problem is to restart
>>>> SeaMonkey.  Thankfully I now have the "restart" add-on to do this
>>>> and in
>>>> virtually all cases that solves the problem.  In a rare few cases I get
>>>> the same pop-up error again and need to restart a second time.
>>>> Perhaps the biggest inconvenience of this whole thing is that the
>>>> periodic checks for new messages DO NOT display this pop-up when they
>>>> encounter it.  The pop-up error is only displayed for a manual message
>>>> retrieval.  Thus it can be hours before I notice that the bug has
>>>> hit me
>>>> again.
>>>> Surely there is a way to request that periodic POP3 checks display
>>>> error
>>>> messages when they have a problem.  That would allow me to correct the
>>>> situation quickly and thus be able to respond to urgent email in a
>>>> timely manner.
>>>> At least until the problem can be corrected I would like to be notified
>>>> that the problem is occurring again.  It would be even nicer if the log
>>>> of the POP3 diagnostics could be saved so that I could provide it to
>>>> the
>>>> developers to allow them to correct the problem.
>>>> Dave
>>> Bug 1577548-Intermittent UIDL or XTND XLST Error Messages.
>>> <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1577548>
>>> Many support posts.
>>> <https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%0AThe+POP3+mail+server+(pop.verizon.net)+does+not+support+UIDL+or+XTND%0AXLST%2C+which+are+required+to+implement+the+%60%60Leave+on+Server%27%27%2C+%60%60Maximum%0AMessage+Size%27%27+or+%60%60Fetch+Headers+Only%27%27+options.&ia=web>
>> Thanks for locating this Bugzilla report.  Looking through it sounds as
>> if a fix should be simple enough, just properly deal with the temporary
>> error by exiting the current fetch in hope that the problem will be
>> clear next time.
>> This clarifies for me why the issue appears to be more frequent lately,
>> AOL must be having capacity issues that need to be addressed.
>> Interesting, I do sometimes see temporary errors displayed when
>> restarting SeaMonkey, so I guess the code path for first and periodic
>> checks for POP3 mail differ.  This might make the fix even easier, as
>> the code already exists in the first check path.
>> Hopefully Frank-Rainer Grahl is keeping an eye on this thread and will
>> take appropriate action in the next release if it is as simple as it
>> appears from that Bugzilla report.
>> Dave
> I'd still think there is nothing to fix in the code and the problem is
> with Verizon.
> I don't get that message with my Comcast POP3 account and haven't seen
> any reports about similar POP3 account problems with other email providers.
> My suggestion would be to use an AOL IMAP account and copy the emails to
> it.
> I think there are instructions somewhere to setup a Verizon IMAP account.
> Doesn't really matter since Verizon owns AOL, Yahoo, Huffington Post,
> Mapquest and other properties.

Referring back to the Bugzilla report you cited, Barry S. Finkel notes:

> The problem is in Thunderbird. It sends a POP3 "UIDL" command, and the (in my 
> case inbound.att.net) server responds with a temporary error - "-ERR 
> [SYS/TEMP] Server error - Please try again later." I have not yet looked at 
> the various POP3 RFCs to see what they say about [temporary] error responses 
> to commands. Thunderbird responds by sending the POP3 command "XTND XLST 
> Message-Id" (as if no error message had occurred), and the inbound server 
> replies "-ERR Invalid Command.". This sets a flag in Thunderbird - the server 
> does not accept UIDL or XTND', The only way to clear this is to shut down 
> Thunderbird and restart it.


> It seems to me that when Thunderbird receives the temporary error message, it 
> should stop mail downloading and wait for the next user-supplied interval to 
> get new messages. Note that I have not looked in detail at the Thunderbird 
> source. Note that I am currently using Thunderbird 68.5.0 on Windows 7 32-bit 
> (with a migration to Windows `10 64-bit shortly).

So yes, Verizon has a problem with capacity and sends a [SYS/TEMP]
error.  Unfortunately Thunderbird, and SeaMonkey, do NOT take the proper
action upon receiving the error message.  As I have also seen [SYS/TEMP]
errors on occasion when restarting SeaMonkey it appears that the error
is specifically in the periodic mail check code.

Sounds simple enough for a fix.

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