Richard Owlett wrote:
On 08/20/2020 10:35 AM, wrote:
Richard Owlett wrote:
SECOND problem.
When searching a directory for key words in subject line [with perhaps a date boundary], I'll get a dozen or more hits that have to tagged individually. I would like to tag or mark as un-read all the hits the search has found.

Ctrl+A selects all messages,


or you can hold Ctrl to select multiple specific messages

I use that routinely in anothewr context.

or Shift to select a range of messages.

I do not understand that phrase.

You can click on one message in the list, then hold the Shift key while clicking on another message. The two messages clicked and all messages in between will be selected. If you use Ctrl to select multiple items in other contexts, you'll probably find you can use Shift there too.

*HOWEVER*, the two preceding options seem to cover ALL my needs.

Then the shortcuts to toggle read/unread (M) or tags (1, 2, 3, etc.)
affect all selected messages.

I think I understand using "M" to toggle read/unread.

This works from within the thread pane (e.g. if filtered using the search bar), in which case the menus can also be used, and also from the advanced search dialog, although the menus aren't available there so you need to know the relevant keyboard shortcuts.  You can use the menus from the main window to work out what the shortcuts are, e.g. Message > Tag to see which number corresponds to which tag.  I'm not sure whether you get shortcuts for tags beyond the first 9, so you might need to order them so that your frequently used tags come within the first 9 to ensure there are shortcuts for them.

That paragraph [PLUS toggling tags] I do *NOT* GROK.
What should I have read that I do not recall ever having seen ;/

Sorry, I was a bit too brief with that (lack of) explanation!

If you look on the Message > Tag menu (in the main window), there is a number next to each tag. Although it looks like just the key to select the option from the menu, you can also use it as a separate shortcut key to add/remove the tag from a message (like how "M" toggles read/unread status). e.g. with the default set of tags, pressing "1" will add/remove the red "Important" tag on selected messages, pressing "2" will add/remove the orange "Work" tag, etc. Only the first 9 tags get shortcut keys (1 to 9) - I just added a few more tags to confirm last night's guess since I don't usually have that many.

I honestly don't know where I saw that you could just use the number keys to toggle tags without going through the menu. I've been using them for a long time as a quick way to toggle tags on messages in the thread/message panes of the main window, or from a separate message window.

If you've used the search bar in the main window, the results are shown in the main thread pane and you can access the menus (Message > Tag, etc.) or use the keyboard shortcuts. If you've used the advanced search (Tools > Search Messages or "Advanced" button on the search bar), the menus are not available, but the keyboard shortcuts still work if you know them. I'm not sure that I saw that documented anywhere; probably just tried it and found it works, or used the shortcuts in the advanced search results without even thinking about it since I use them quite a lot anyway.

As far as I can tell, you can only apply the first 9 tags from the advanced search results, since they're the only ones with shortcut keys (1 to 9) and the menus aren't available there. So if you want to be able to apply your frequently-used custom tags from the advanced search results, they need to be in the first 9 tags, and you need to remember which numbers they are to use the shortcuts. You can change the order of existing tags at Edit > Preferences > Mail & Newsgroups > Tags or Message > Tag > Customise (select a tag and use the Raise/Lower Importance buttons).

I've been acound since Communicator days <grin>

I don't go back quite that far. Started using Mozilla Suite around 2003, and then switched to SeaMonkey when Mozilla split the suite into Firefox and Thunderbird.


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