David H. Durgee wrote:
> Edward wrote:
>> NFN Smith wrote:
>>> I also use Seamonkey on a desktop Linux box of unknown vintage. I
>>> bought the base configuration about 11 years ago, and the original
>>> configuration was with an AMD Athlon processor. I just upgraded the
>>> motherboard and case when the motherboard failed, where the CPU is a
>>> little more recent AMD, but definitely older than anything Ryzen.
>>> This machine has 8 GB of RAM, and I don't use the browser heavily, but
>>> I've never seen memory issues there.
>>> Smith
>> Could be because of the 8Gb memory. Both of my desktops have 3+ Gb
>> memory, but the CPU's (both AMD) are somewhat different.
>> I changed the configuration file to use RAM for the cache, instead of
>> the disk, which resulted in nothing noticeably different between the
>> two. Once something on the system began to use the Swap partition again,
>> performance dropped as it always does when Swap is used. I then changed
>> the settings back to the defaults.
>> I'm still surprised that even when Swap usage was minimal ~5Mb, there
>> was still plenty of RAM available to use, which had me thinking why Swap
>> was being used at all.
> There is a "sappiness" parameter that is adjustable in linux, perhaps
> you have it set in such a way that it is swapping more that is proper
> for your use of the system.
> Looking at my /etc/systolic.conf I see lines:
> #
> # Decrease swap usage to a more reasonable level
> cm.sappiness
> =10
> Dave
> Dave

AGH! Stupid auto-correct!  Here is the proper post:

There is a "swappiness" parameter that is adjustable in linux, perhaps
you have it set in such a way that it is swapping more that is proper
for your use of the system.

Looking at my /etc/sysctl.conf I see lines:

# Decrease swap usage to a more reasonable level

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