Ant wrote:
On 8/21/2020 1:55 PM, Edward wrote:
Ant wrote:

I have seen my seamonkey.exe process go up to 3 GB in my decade old, updated 64-bit W7 HPE SP1 PC. :(

I wonder if there is a memory issue? This particular desktop is nine years old, runs Linux exclusively and has 3.6Gb of memory, using LXDE desktop.

Yes, current stable SeaMonkey (old Gecko engine) leaks and hogs a lot due to many bloated web sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Google Maps, etc.  :(

I have had Seamonkey (2.49.4, as most of you can see) open for around 13 hours now and it has been getting slower and slower for an hour or two. When things got too bad to ignore, I closed the Google Maps tab (in a private window) that had been open for pretty much all that time.
Seamonkey was back to its responsive best immediately.
I'd checked about:memory - and memory usage generally - shortly before doing this and things looked pretty much normal, there was little difference between Before and After. The Swapfile was not in use.
It was amazing what a difference one Google Maps tab made.

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