What is the difference between than regular exit (I use its default ctrl-q hotkeys)?

On 9/16/2020 6:02 PM, David H. Durgee wrote:
I use the "restart Application Button" add-on here for this.


Ant wrote:
You can't do a normal quit? Sometimes I can do that if it lets me and
still save my sessions.

On 9/16/2020 1:29 AM, Szymon Stryczek wrote:
I have exactly the same experience (just on 64-bit Windows).
Slowdowns start to happen around Seamonkey reaching 2GB of RAM usage
and they extend for me not only to tab switching but all, site
scrolling, mail sending etc.
"about:memory" + GC seems to help a little bit but honestly the only
option that really helps me is brutal kill of process and my beloved
"restore previous session" functionality - that does the trick for few
next hours.
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